Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Markets galore this weekend

Hi all, I have been remis in my postings so sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you about the markets happening this weekend in Karratha. I am doing both the Tambrey Primary School on friday evening and the shire run Street party on Sunday. Wow will I be tired on Monday. On the friday I am cleaning out my craft stash and passing some of it on to you. Beads, MDF wood products, Crosstitch fabric and much more will leave my table and make its home with you so you can do your magic and create something beautiful.

On Sunday I am having a stall at the inaugural Street Party which I hope will be an amazing success. I will be selling my jewellery at this event and hopefully handing out lots of Business cards.I have been busy making a lot more items to fill my table. Below is a few photos of new Earings that have just been completed and will be ready for sale on the day.

Oriental Dream

Sunday Sun